
A37_東向島ゲストインレジデンス#01 大西みつぐ「東方聖地」 Mitsugu Onishi: WONDERLAND, Eastern Holy Land

大西みつぐ(写真家)+北川貴好(東向島アーティストインレジデンス) Mitsugu Onishi,Takayoshi Kitagawa@東向島アーティストインレジデンス(墨田区東向島3-31-3)


This exhibition, held in a 100-year-old traditional house, presents photographer Mitsugu Onishi's latest series, "WONDERLAND, Eastern Holy Land". Inspired by Shinichi Nakazawa's "Earthdiver: Tokyo's Sacred Places," Onishi has cast a new light on the "lost towns" of eastern Tokyo that he has been photographing for years. Unlike Tsukiji or Meiji Jingu, these places possess a quiet, powerful energy, with memories of defeat, the Showa era, the bubble economy, and other times etched into their landscapes. Onishi quietly wandered these places alone, capturing them with his camera. This exhibition invites us to discover the stories hidden within these landscapes.

大西みつぐ WONDERLAND 東方聖地

2024年10月5日~11月3日 月金土日 12:00-18:00 (最終入場17:45)

場所 東向島アーティストインレジデンス(築100年の古民家) 東京都墨田区東向島3-31-3


Mitsugu Onishi: WONDERLAND, Eastern Holy Land

Dates: October 5 - November 3, 2024 Time: Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun 12:00-18:00 (Last entry 17:45) Admission: Free

Venue: Higashimukojima Artist-in-Residence (100-year-old traditional house) 3-31-3 Higashimukojima, Sumida-ku, Tokyo

Sumida Mukojima EXPO 2024 Participating Project (Special benefits for ticket holders)

主催 東向島アーティストインレジデンス 企画 北川貴好

問い合わせ: [higashimukojimaair@gmail.com]

Organizer: Higashimukojima Artist-in-Residence Planning: Takayoshi Kitagawa


路地にある築100年の古民家にて、大西みつぐ写真展「WONDERLAND 東方聖地」を開催します。TOKYO・東方聖地とは、中沢新一の「アースダイバー 東京の聖地」(講談社・2017年)の「聖地」論を参考に、これまで大西が撮ってきた東京東部の「失われた町」に新たな視点を加えました。築地、明治神宮とは異なる、静かで力強い場のエネルギー。そこには、敗戦、昭和、バブル期など、それぞれの時代に刻まれた記憶が、風景の中に息づいています。写真家大西みつぐは、これらの場所を静かに一人漂いながら、カメラを向けていきました。この写真展は、私たちに、風景の中に隠された物語を読み解く喜びを与えてくれます。

This exhibition, held in a 100-year-old traditional house, presents photographer Mitsugu Onishi's latest series, "WONDERLAND, Eastern Holy Land". Inspired by Shinichi Nakazawa's "Earthdiver: Tokyo's Sacred Places," Onishi has cast a new light on the "lost towns" of eastern Tokyo that he has been photographing for years. Unlike Tsukiji or Meiji Jingu, these places possess a quiet, powerful energy, with memories of defeat, the Showa era, the bubble economy, and other times etched into their landscapes. Onishi quietly wandered these places alone, capturing them with his camera. This exhibition invites us to discover the stories hidden within these landscapes.

大西みつぐ 1952年東京深川生まれ。写真家。東京の下町の人々を長年撮り続けてきた写真家。木村伊兵衛賞受賞(1993)という経歴からも、その作品がいかに高く評価されているかがわかる。彼の作品は、単にスナップ写真にとどまらず、下町という場所、そこに暮らす人々の生活、そして時代が刻んだ痕跡を深く掘り下げています。

About the Artist:

Mitsugu Onishi, born in Fukagawa, Tokyo in 1952, has been documenting the people and landscapes of Tokyo's downtown areas since the 1970s. Renowned for his deep connection to the city, Onishi's work goes beyond mere snapshots; it offers a profound exploration of the cultural landscape, the lives of its inhabitants, and the traces of time.

同時開催:雑貨店「スターワン」(墨田区京島2-24-5)にて、大西みつぐのコラージュ作品展「 STAR ONE計画」も開催されます。

近隣展示:東亰-東京ミュージアム(10/5-11/3 土日のみ 10:00-18:00)場所 北條工務店となり2階(墨田区東向島3-22-10)

Concurrent Exhibitions:

Mitsugu Onishi: STAR ONE Project (collage works) at STAR ONE (2-24-5 Kyoshima, Sumida-ku)

Tokei-Tokyo Museum (10/5-10/3, weekends only 10:00-18:00)


Exhibition Concept This exhibition is part of Higashimukojima Guest-in-Residence #01, where guests create opportunities for visitors. This is an experiment to create a dynamic relationship between works, residents, viewers, and the location.