
A58_世界の合言葉は森 The Word for World is Forest

クレオ・ベストペン/ロクサーヌ・メタイヤー/ファニー・フォンテーヌ Cleo Verstrepen, Roxane Métayer, and Fanny Fontaine@Untitled Space (墨田区京島3-13-7 Untitled Space (3-13-7 Kyojima Sumida-ku)

Untitled spaceは、かつて京島で植物を保管するために作られましたが、今回、キュレーションされた本、植物、日本における芸術を通じた地方再生に関するドキュメントの中で、鑑賞者が座ってリラックスし、耳を澄ませることができる、没入的な空間に再解釈され、設計されました。ここに収められた本は、私たちを取り巻く地域社会から集められ、借用されたものであり、コレクティブなライブラリーを成しています。今回の展覧会では、アーティストでありミュージシャンでもあるロクサーヌ・メタイヤーによるドローイングとサウンド作品を展示しています。ドローイングは、現在彼女が滞在している四国・神山の森で出会った、トノサマガエル、チョウセンカマキリ、サキシマカナヘビ、白いムカデ、カネタタキなどといった種々の生き物を紹介したものです。サウンドピースは、彼女が育った湿度の高い森で録音したフィールドレコーディングで構成されています。彼女のサウンドピースで扱った森には、カエル、マガモ、トンボ、アメンボ、淡水カタツムリ、小型のスズメ、そして夕暮れ時に鳴き始めるミドヒキガエルなど、いろいろな動物が生息しています。

This exhibition will focus on the rural landscape of Japan. It will explore the struggles of rural landscapes to combat the decline brought about by "post-growth" society, and the potential for these areas to be transformed into a soil capable of generating many communal and aesthetic experiments that create new connections within the biotic world.
The exhibition then presents the work of artist and musician Roxanne Metayer, who has been working since her residency at the Kamiyama Artist-in-Residence in Shikoku, Japan. Untitled space, once used to store plants in Kyojima, now a curated collection of books, plants, and documents about rural revitalization through art in Japan, has been reinterpreted and designed as an immersive space where viewers can sit, relax, and listen closely.

金曜日は16時から20時、 土&日曜日は12時から20時。

"Oct 18 - 20, Oct 25 - 27
Friday: 4pm - 8pm/Saturday&Sunday: 12pm - 8pm"



ファニー・フォンテーヌは、芸術と人文学の教員であり、比較文学博士、ライター、翻訳家です。彼女は東京で現代の芸術家についての執筆を始め、複数の学問の分野をまたぐ文化的イベントのキュレーションを始めました。Untitled Spaceでは、「漂流」と空間に関する展示(Tokyo Drifting Society)をしています。

Untitled Spaceは、建築家ラファエル・A・バルボアがディレクターのSTUDIO WASABI ARCHITECTUREによって運営されています。

Cleo Verstrepen
Cleo Verstrepen is a curator and researcher based in Tokyo. They are a PhD candidate at the University of Vincennes Saint-Denis (Paris VIII) and Tokyo University of the Arts, with the support of the MEXT scholarship. Their thesis focuses on community-led art organisations involved in rural and urban revitalisation processes in Japan. Their approach to research is creative and integrative, extending beyond the academic sphere through artistic, curatorial, and literary practices. They are a founding member of the collective-run art space Datsuijo in Tokyo.

Roxane Metayer
Roxane Métayer is a French musician and artist based in Brussels. Her visual work depicts fictitious fauna and flora through different mediums and materials such as beeswax, clay, or soap. Between folk and experimental music, her project is made of sound recordings made in nature, imitation of nature, violin, wind instruments, percussion, and her own voice. She has released several albums, notably with Matière Mémoire, Kraak label, Morc, Primordial Void, Wabi-Sabi tapes and Marionnette Label. Her last concerts took place in Japan for a tour, for the festival Mutant Radio in Tbilissi, at the Café Oto in London, at the Ancienne Belgique, at the Ateliers Claus, at the Atelier 210, at the Beursschouwburg in Brussels, at the Instants Chavirés in Paris, among others. During the course of this year an album will be released by the Belgian label Blikwinckel.

Fanny Fontaine
Fanny Fontaine is a teacher in arts and humanities, as well as a Doctor in Comparative Literature, writer, and translator. As a critic, she has been writing about contemporary artists in Tokyo. She is now starting to curate transdisciplinary cultural events (literature, art, architecture) in Untitled Space in Kyojima, on the topic of drifting and space (Tokyo Drifting Society).

Architectural Studio based in Tokyo directed by Rafael A. Balboa, Doctor of Architecture. The projects of the studio span from urban to domestic scales, often collaborating with artists, art-oriented projects and institutions in Japan, Jakarta, Latvia and Mexico among other places.