
A61_四季と女性 The four seasons and women

リード・シ=アーノルド REED SHI ARNORD@白蛇伝(墨田区京島2―20-12, ハトヤ(墨田区京島キラキラ橘商店街 "Hakujaden(2-20⁻12 Kyojima Sumida) Hatoya (Kirakira Shopping Street)"

He mainly creates hand-drawn drawings and computer paintings of the female figure as his subject matter. For this exhibition, he focused on expressing his own sensibility on the themes of the four seasons and women.
He believes that ‘everything in the world is a teacher and I want to absorb something from everyone’ and ‘I want to not only pursue my own original expression, but also to draw pictures that will soothe the hearts of everyone who sees them, from the elderly to children’ in this community.


10月5日~11月3日 白蛇伝9:00-17:00、10/14休み
ハトヤ6:30-15:00(週中), 10:00-16:00 (週末)水曜休み
"Oct 5 - Nov 3
Hakujaden 9:00-17:00(14 Oct closed)
Hatoya 6:30-15:00(weekday), 10:00-16:00 (weekend) every Wed. closed"

Born in Taiwan and spent his youth in Taiwan and the USA. Currently lives in Japan. Freelance designer. He was strongly influenced by the street culture and street art he encountered during his stay in the USA, and took up the challenge of street art. After living in Japan, he continued to appreciate and study the paintings of various artists through American picture book magazines and the media. Since coming of age, he has focused on absorbing the humanity and sensibility of people in various occupations by experiencing them and developing a new sensibility of his own. He is not particular about the tools he uses, but tries to reflect his new sensitivities and personality in his paintings. 
